Health and safety information

Businesses are responsible for making sure their staff are aware of health and safety legislation. They must also take precautions to protect visitors and employees at their premises.

Businesses employing five or more people should have

  • a health and safety training programme that has been completed by all staff
  • a written health and safety policy, displayed for all staff to see
  • risk assessments for all job positions


Businesses must report certain accidents. More information is available from the Health and Safety Executive and reports can be made online.


Businesses have a duty to manage asbestos.

Cooling tower and evaporative condensor notifications

See our list of cooling towers and evaporative condensors in North Somerset.

Display screen equipment

Employers have a duty to protect the health of employees who use this type of equipment regularly.

Health and safety policy

Business managers must ensure that all staff are aware of safety precautions. The Health and Safety Executive provide advice on how to write a health and safety policy and risk assessments.

Inspections and enforcement

An inspector can legally visit at any reasonable time and will always carry identification and authorisation. The Health and Safety Executive explain what you can expect during a visit.


The legionella bacteria is widely found in the environment in domestic water systems and cooling towers. Businesses have a duty to prevent legionella forming in water systems. The Health and Safety Executive provide information about employers’ responsibilities.

Employers must report any cases of Legionnaire’s disease to us.

Food and Safety team

Lighting, heating and ventilation

Employers have a duty to maintain certain standards to ensure the health of employees. The Health and Safety Executive explain employers’ responsibilities.

Lone working

Employers have a duty to make sure that anyone working alone is safe.


Employers are responsible for ensuring that their staff are adequately trained to carry out their job safely.

Welfare at work

Employers have a duty to provide certain facilities to ensure their employees’ needs are met.